Shopify: Why It’s the Best Choice for Selling Online
What is Shopify? Vector


Shopify is a tool that people use to create online stores. It’s like building a shop, but on the internet. People who want to sell things, whether they are toys, clothes, or gadgets, can use it to create a store. This way, they have a place online where customers can come, look at their products, and buy them.

Born in 2006 in Canada, it was created by three friends who wanted to sell snowboard equipment online. However, they found that there were no tools available that were good enough to create the kind of online store they wanted. So, they decided to build their own tool, and that’s how Shopify started. Now, many years later, it has grown a lot. It has helped many people create their own online stores, and it has become a very important tool in the world of online selling or e-commerce.

E-commerce means buying and selling things over the internet. It has become very popular because it’s easy and convenient. You can shop from your home, and your purchases get delivered to your door. Shopify plays a big role in e-commerce. It has made it simpler for people to start their own online businesses. With this platform you don’t need to be a computer wizard to build an online store. It provides all the necessary tools and guides you through the process.

Shopify is a user-friendly online platform that allows individuals and businesses to create and manage their own digital storefronts, making it easy to sell products to customers around the world.

In this article, we will examine its journey, features, and why it stands out in the crowded online market.

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Historical Development

As mentioned above, it was made in 2006 when three friends, Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake, decided to open an online store to sell snowboard equipment. They found existing e-commerce tools lacking, which led them to create a platform of their own.

Founding and Early Days

In the early stages, Shopify was a small entity focusing on solving personal challenges the founders faced in online selling. The platform they created made setting up an online store simpler, and word about this new, user-friendly tool started to spread. It wasn’t long before other sellers were drawn to it, appreciating its straightforward setup and operation.

Major Milestones

Over the years, Shopify has reached many significant milestones. In 2009, they launched a mobile app, making managing an online store easier for sellers on the go. In 2015, they went public, meaning they started selling shares of their company on the stock market, which was a major step.

Another milestone was the introduction of Shopify Plus in 2014, which is a version for big, established businesses. It provides more features and better support to handle large amounts of sales and customers.

They also introduced new features like Shopify Payments and Shopify POS (Point Of Sale), making it easier for sellers to handle payments and sales both online and in physical stores.

Expansion and Growth

Their growth has been remarkable. From a small platform built to sell snowboard gear, it has expanded into a global entity, helping over a million businesses in more than 175 countries to sell their products online.

As of today, they are one of the most popular platforms for online sellers. Its growth is a testament to its ability to adapt to the changing needs of sellers and buyers alike. It continues to evolve, offering new features and tools to make online selling and buying a smooth experience.

Shopify’s journey from its humble beginnings to becoming a trusted name in the e-commerce sector is inspiring. It shows how understanding the challenges of a market and offering simple, effective solutions can lead to monumental success.

Comparative Analysis

There are many platforms that aim to rule the e-commerce space. Among them, Shopify stands as a notable contender. Let’s compare it with other significant players in the market, such as WooCommerce, Magento, and WixCommerce.


WooCommerce is a free WordPress plugin, making it a favorable choice for those already familiar with WordPress. It’s customizable and extendable, offering a wide range of themes and plugins. However, it may require a steeper learning curve for those not adept in website building, and the cost of additional features can add up.


Magento (aka Adobe Commerce) is known for its robustness and flexibility, catering mainly to large enterprises with a vast array of features. However, its complexity demands a higher level of technical expertise than other platforms. While Shopify aims at simplifying the e-commerce experience, Magento provides a platform for extensive customization and scalability, which may be overwhelming for small to medium-sized businesses.

Wix eCommerce

Wix eCommerce is a part of the broader Wix platform, known for its drag-and-drop website-building tool. It’s a good choice for smaller stores or individuals new to online selling. While it’s simpler and often cheaper, it lacks the comprehensive e-commerce capabilities and scalability offered by Shopify, making it a more viable option for growing and established businesses.

Analysis Summary

Upon reviewing these platforms, it’s evident that Shopify holds a distinct position in the market for its ease of use, design flexibility, and well-rounded set of features. While each platform has its strengths, Shopify is a balanced choice catering to a wide range of businesses, from budding entrepreneurs to well-established enterprises. The comparative analysis sheds light on why they have become a go-to platform for many looking to thrive in the online commerce space, offering a blend of simplicity, functionality, and support that is crucial for the success of modern-day online ventures.

Case Studies of Successful Stores Using Shopify

Big Brands on Shopify

Several well-established brands have harnessed Shopify’s capabilities:

  • Budweiser uses them to sell merchandise, engage their community, and expand their digital presence​​.
  • Tesla, Inc., with its clear and crisp store design on Shopify, facilitates easy access to product information and inventory for visitors​.
  • Gymshark transitioned to Shopify after facing a major glitch on their former platform during Black Friday, costing them $143,000 in lost sales. Their reliable platform helped mitigate such issues, supporting their growth to $128 million in revenue​.

These cases underscore the utility for a broad spectrum of businesses, from startups to large-scale enterprises, illuminating the platform’s adaptability and user-friendly interface in facilitating online commerce success.


Benefits and Challenges of Using Shopify

Shopify has become a preferred choice for many looking to venture into online commerce due to its array of benefits. However, like any platform, it has its set of challenges. A balanced understanding of both can help prospective users make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

Shopify is known for its user-friendly interface that makes setting up an online store a relatively straightforward process. Even those with minimal technical know-how can navigate through the setup, design, and management of their store. The platform offers a range of customizable templates, making it easier to create a professional-looking store without the need for extensive design skills.

Cost Effectiveness

Shopify provides various pricing plans to cater to different business sizes and budgets. The basic plan is quite affordable, making it an attractive option for startups and small businesses. Moreover, the platform includes essential features like secure payment gateways and shopping cart functionality, which are crucial for running an online store successfully.


As businesses grow, so does the need for a more robust platform. Shopify caters to this through its advanced plans like Shopify Plus, which is designed for larger enterprises. It allows for greater customization, higher transaction volumes, and dedicated support, ensuring that businesses can scale seamlessly.

Customer Support

Shopify’s customer support is often known for its responsiveness and helpfulness. With various channels like email, chat, and phone support, users can get the assistance they need to resolve issues, which is crucial for maintaining the smooth operation of an online store.

Limitations and Common Issues

While Shopify is robust, it has its limitations. Some users find the customization options restrictive, especially when compared to platforms like Magento and WooCommerce. Moreover, the cost of premium themes and third-party apps can add up, potentially straining smaller budgets. Lastly, transitioning to another platform can be challenging due to data export restrictions.

Understanding the advantages and challenges associated with Shopify can provide realistic expectations for prospective users, aiding in making a well-informed decision on whether the platform aligns with their business goals and operational needs.

Future of Shopify and E-commerce

As we venture further into the digital age, the landscape of e-commerce is continually evolving. Shopify, being a significant player in this domain, is likely to adapt and innovate to meet the emerging trends and demands of online commerce.

Emerging Trends

The e-commerce sphere is witnessing several trends, such as the rise of mobile commerce, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for personalized shopping experiences, and the growing importance of sustainability. Shopify is poised to evolve alongside these trends by enhancing its mobile capabilities, incorporating smarter analytics, and providing platforms for eco-friendly commerce.

Shopify’s Adaptation

Shopify has a history of adapting to market needs. Its introduction of features like Shopify AR, which allows customers to visualize products in 3D, and Shopify Markets, a centralized hub to manage global commerce, reflect its forward-thinking approach. The platform’s continuous updates aim to provide sellers with the tools necessary to stay competitive and relevant in the evolving market.

Impact on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Shopify’s user-friendly interface and scalable solutions have made e-commerce more accessible for SMEs. Its future developments will likely further support SMEs in expanding their online presence, reaching a broader audience, and operating efficiently. The platform’s commitment to simplifying online commerce while providing powerful tools will continue to empower SMEs, enabling them to compete in the global market.

In conclusion, Shopify’s trajectory in the e-commerce space is one of innovation and adaptation to market dynamics. Its future seems promising, with potential enhancements aligning with emerging e-commerce trends. By continuing to provide robust, user-friendly, and innovative solutions, Shopify is well-positioned to support the diverse needs of online entrepreneurs, from small startups to large enterprises, in the years to come.


Shopify has become popular in the online shopping world by offering an easy-to-use platform with lots of helpful features. It started as a small business selling snowboard equipment, and now it helps over a million businesses around the world.

Shopify stands as a testament to how understanding the challenges of a domain and offering simple, effective solutions can lead to monumental success in the digital world, empowering a plethora of businesses to thrive in the online marketplace.


Written by Pieter

October 28, 2023

Reading Time: 7 minutes

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